Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Where's the Dirt?

A scary thought just occurred to me. What if there is really no dirt on Obama? And by dirt, I mean anything seedy or checkered that could be used against him in the general election. We all know about the Rezko thing, which you can read about here, and that could come back to haunt him. But nothing else? There might be, but you know the Clintons would have used it by now or are going to use it soon. Steve made a good point about Clinton surrogate Ed Rendell pulling out the race card the other day. That's pretty much what they have left.

Bill Maher said a couple of weeks ago that he has no doubt that the "Republican slime machine" will do quick work on Obama. But short of the race card (which would be disgusting and surely backfire) and the whole Hussein-is-his-middle-name card, what else is there?

"He might be the geniune article." That was Richard Jemmons', the James Carville-based charcter in Joe Klein's Primary Colors, thought on replacement candidate Freddy Picker. Picker was the the candidate of hope, change and optimism. The oppo research later found out he was involved in a torrid affair involving a gay lover and mounds of cocaine. Go figure.

Doesn't look like we're gonna find a special man-friend and two pounds of blow in Obama's past. The Clintons would have taken care of that by now. No. If Obama is the nominee, we are going to have to beat him...gasp....on the issues.


Anonymous said...

Obama already aired his dirty laundry. So he smoked pot. Big deal! Can’t it be a bit refreshing that a candidate is so open and honest about the mistakes in their past?

I do suppose it is also to Obama’s advantage that he doesn’t have a long track record because he hasn’t had the opportunity to make many mistakes. McCain having been in the political arena for quite awhile has had the opportunity to offend and upset many individuals on both sides of the fence.

A simple explanation for Obama’s lack of “dirt” is because he truly is a good guy which is why, "Your momma votes for Obama!"

Chris P said...

Well "refreshing" is one way to put it. I'd tend to pay him a different but compliment and say that it is "smart."

I for one could care less if he smoked pot or did coke or whatever. But that's me. Others do. My point was, in a nod to Obama, that he might actually be a good guy as you say, and at the end of the day, we need to fight him on the issues. Given his positions, that's a fight I look forward to.