Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Primary Update: The Weather

Wow. The roads in Northern Virginia are just awful. This is some of the worst traffic I have ever seen in this area. For those Virginia residents in the know, apparantly all of the the "mixing bowl" (where 395, 95, and 495 meet) is closed. This has to have had some impact on the last minute voters in Northern VA who were looking to go for McCain. Could maybe explain why he is struggling a bit.

Looks like Obama dominated Virginia and DC, and Maryland is keeping their polls open another 90 minutes do to the weather. If the Huckleberry guy keeps this thing close that'll be the big story tomorrow. If Obama's margin in VA is above 20 percent, look at that to be a big story as well.

Quick aside: I voted in Arlington, VA, a Democrat haven. Walked into the polling...place. The exchange was as follows:
Election officer: "Democrat or Republican ballot?"
Me: Republican please
Election officer: "Oh....really? Um...over there.

A stranger in a strange land....

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