Monday, February 11, 2008

No More Shadegg :(

Roll Call and AP both report that Representative John Shadegg (R-AZ) will not seek re-election, making him the 29th House Republican to call it quits. Gotta say that this is a sad shocker. Shadegg raised over $1 million according to the most FEC reports, and was in a +60% Bush district. Looks like he did have an opponent of note in local attorney Bob Lord, who managed to raise an impressive $612,000 to date. This is still a relatively safe(ish) seat for Republicans, but the NRCC better kick into high gear to ensure it remains safe. The DCCC was calling this seat a pick-up opportunity even before Shadegg's announcement, and be sure they will throw tons of money into the race now.

Politics aside, this is a sad announcement for conservatives. Few have carried the conservative torch with as much passion, and a part of me wishes (no disprespect of course to the current leadership) Shadegg won the race for Minority Whip in 2006. So it goes...

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