Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Clinton Team in Turmoil

Inside the campaign process stories like this certainly do not help Hillary. The WSJ story even has a chart detailing which Clinton staffer is in, staying in, and out! Highlights include a blow up between ad girl Mandy Grunwald and strategist Mark Penn, and this important reminder:

"One priority now is wooing the so-called superdelegates -- elected and party officials who could decide the nomination if the tally of pledged delegates from primaries and caucuses is very close. Some who were supposed to stay neutral aren't holding. Virginia Rep. Jim Moran, who initially wasn't backing either candidate, came out this week for Mr. Obama. Yesterday, another superdelegate, David Wilhelm, sided with Mr. Obama. Mr. Wilhelm had been Bill Clinton's 1992national manager."

Wonder how many more are going to follow Moran.

(h/t Drudge)

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