Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Gray Lady and John McCain

This has already been beaten to death so I won't rehash why this story is bogus. The Times doesn't have it. Period. But they still ran the story. Hopefully there will be a sufficient enough backlash to warrant an apology, but I doubt it. McCain was fantastic in today's press conference. The image of him and his wife standing side by side was pretty powerful.

One thought: Why did the Times feel the need to dedicate 600 words of this article to the Keating Five scandal? It's twenty year old news. There is nothing new to report. So why? This whole thing wreaks of a hatchet job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Given the NY Times reputation, does anyone, other than Michael Moore, think that they are a credible news source?

McCain should have said as much. Opportunity missed.