Tuesday, February 12, 2008

McCain's Veep

John McCain will be the Republican standard bearer in November. Let's focus on the future. Who will be the Robin to his Batman? In other words, who will be his running mate?

Regional balance is less an issue than before. The Clinton-Gore ticket proved that. In my mind, the veep candidate has to have conservative bona fides, and business or gubernatorial experience. The veep-to-be also has to be young-ish (under 55). McCain brings the military, legislative, anti-earmarks heft. He needs someone the conservatives can trust on the ticket.

I have heard a few names being tossed around - Tim Pawlenty, the Governor of Minnesota and Mark Sanford, the Governor of South Carolina. Personally, I would like to see a J.C. Watts or Haley Barbour. What say you?

1 comment:

Chris P said...

Seeing J.C. Watts on that short list of yours definitely opened my eyes. What a fantastic pick. Fantastic conservative, former House Rep., former Chair of GOPAC. He would be a great pick and would offer "balance" to McCain. I like Sanford quite a bit as well. Pawlenty is good, but has to get over the "health fee" issue, also known as a cigarette tax. Barbour might have some baggage as an ex super lobbyist.