Friday, May 30, 2008

No Carter 2nd Term

The libs are trying to paint the McCain campaign as the 3rd Bush Term?

Yea, like those two agree on global warming, water-boarding, tax cuts, drilling in ANWR, etc.

What we need to really be afraid of is a SECOND JIMMY CARTER TERM!

h/t Rush Limbagh

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Remember this photo....a B. Hussein Obama rally in Oregon a couple days ago? Huge Crowd. The biggest ever for a political candidate?

Now we find out that the Portland band, The Decembrists, played a free concert before the Obama rally. Was it Messiah Obama that the people came to see? Was it the band? Why didn't the media mention that? Seems like an important tid bit, don't you think?

Did I expect the media to be honest for one darn day in their life? Is that too much to ask?

Sadly, it is.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Where is the love?

I love internal strife on the Left. I love watching them tear themselves down and eat their young.

Here is what John Aravosis wrote on the liberal Ameriblog. Since it is a left-wing blog, it contains naughty words.

Go away you horrible human being


Good God. What is wrong with her? The Clintons and their campaign staff don't give a damn that they are now hurting our electoral chances in the fall against McCain and against the Republicans in Congress. Their campaign isn't happening in some vacuum, and they know it. Our candidates can't fundraise because of her. Obama can't focus on McCain because of her. Obama is wasting money on HER, rather than spending it on McCain, because of her. EMILY's List, and AFSCME, and the American Federation of Teachers and others are wasting their members' money on her now-failed race - money that they could be spending, should be spending, on other real races, races that haven't already lost. She can't win, the math says she lost the nomination, but she doesn't give a damn. She's going to stay in the race like some spoiled hateful egotistical brat.

Why is the media even covering her? The only stories that should be written about Hillary Clinton is how much damage she's causing our party. How she's hurting fundraising at the DNC - they even admitted it, they're not raising the money they need to fight John McCain because of this woman. Why don't you write some stories about how she is hurting our candidates who can't fundraise because of her? How she has forced EMILY's List and AFSCME and the AFT to waste their money because of her. How she has caused a civil war in the Netroots. Five months ago we all felt that we had 3 great candidates. Now, far too many of us loathe Hillary Clinton, and she has done her racist best to ensure that her supporters can't stand Barack Obama either.

The Clintons don't give a damn about our party. Their party, their church, is themselves. To hell with everyone else. I actually liked Hillary up until a few months ago. Other bloggers used to tell me that Joe and I were too nice to Hillary. People just assumed that we were endorsing her. Now I actually loathe her. She makes me yell at the TV like she's George Bush, and no one other than George Bush makes me yell at the TV - until now. I actually can't stand her or her husband any more. I defended her. I defended her husband. And now I'm actually wondering if the Republicans weren't right about them. That's how bad she has damaged her reputation. People who actually liked you, who actually helped you, who actually defended you, LOATHE you now. Call me a Clinton-hater all you like, but people like me were the ones who had your back. And we never will again.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

57 States!

Barack is a tireless campaigner. He has already been to 57 states. That's simply amazing as it is frightening. And people think President Bush is dumb.

Empire Strikes Barack

This is what you missed while we were gone.


In today's Politico, President Bush sits down for an interview which is posted online. Say what you want about the man and his presidency, he stands firm in his belief. Liberals tend to mock him for that trait. Why? They tend not to share it? Bill Clinton had to take a poll to take a leak.

Here are a few things which stood out to me....

“I could have supported a lousy [Kyoto] treaty and everybody would have went, ‘Oh, man, what a wonderful-sounding fellow he is,’” Bush said. “But it just wouldn't have worked.

“I don't think you want your president trying to be the cool guy and not end up with policies that actually make a difference. So the policies I've outlined are policies that will actually make a difference: nuclear power for generating electricity, battery driven cars, ethanol.”

— Asked a question that was submitted online about skyrocketing gas prices, Bush said the problem doesn’t have “a quick answer.”

“It took us a while to get to where we are — very dependent on oil,” he said. “So my answer ... is that the best thing we can do is to increase supply and to drill for oil and gas in environmentally friendly ways at home and build more refineries.”

— He criticized former President Jimmy Carter for suggesting an approach to Middle East involvement that Bush described as “if you want to be popular in the Middle East, just go blame Israel for every problem.”

“That will make you popular,” he said. “Popularity is fleeting. … Principles are forever.”
I think there is a lesson there.

Audio Help [prin-suh-puhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun accepted or professed rule of action or conduct: a person of good moral principles.

2.a fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived: the principles of modern physics.

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